Thursday, February 21, 2008

Thing 8. Share Your Creations

I already have a flickr badge on this blog, so I completed a tiny bit of this "Thing" earlier. I guess that will be my thing to share.

I like the idea of SlideShare as a place to share presentation materials. I personally haven't spent much time creating presentations; nothing I can share outside of work anyway. I do tend to download all the presentations I can find after I go to a conference. Some have put them up on SlideShare, most just post them in PDF form on their websites. They are a good reminder of the highlights of the talks I attended.

I've heard good things about Zoho. Mainly that it has better compatibility and a better feature set than the comparable Google applications. It seems to me that showing patrons to these sites could be a good alternative to spending the money to license the Microsoft applications on patron accessible computers.

Lazybase seems like it could be a good place to put some limited use, "throw away" databases. Their web server is throwing errors tonight, so hopefully it's usually a little more stable.

All these tools look to be useful. One thing to keep in mind when using them is the fact that you are putting your information in the hands of a third party. You have to decide what level of trust you have for that organization. You also need to keep in mind that if you are using their free service then there is really no support, and if your data is lost you probably aren't going to get it back. If the tool works for you and you can live with its limitations and risks, go for it.

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